NENAS Client Registration Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 5FOR NENAS OFFICE USE ONLYFor NENAS Office Use OnlyCRFEI ClientARMS ID:Funded ServicePPEPPE/Safety TicketsTradePost-secondary EducationMicro-credentialsNon- Funded ServiceCareer Exploration/CounsellingResumé WritingIn-House Jobs Boards/Job SearchClient Information Name *FirstMiddleLastSocial Insurance NumberDate of BirthCell Phone NumberAlternate Phone NumberEmail *GenderMaleFemaleOtherResidential AddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodeMailing Address (if different)Address Line 1Address Line 2CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodeMarital StatusMarried/Common LawSingleHow many children 18 years old or younger do you have residing with you?Do you have a current valid driver's license?YesNoIf yes, Class of LicenseNextAboriginal AncestryStatusFirst Nation StatusNon-StatusInuitMétisNon-AboriginalImmigrantDo you live On-ReserveOff-ReserveBand Name (if applicable)Band Registration NumberNextEducation and TrainingWhat High School Grade did you complete?YearProvinceList any post-secondary education (Certificate/Diploma/Degrees)Please list the safety tickets you have or that you requireNextEMPLOYMENT OR UNEMPLOYMENT DETAILSAre youEmployedIf Employed, please indicateFull-timePart-timeSelf-employedWho is your Employer?What is your Job TItle?What is your hourly wage/annual salary?Are you UnemployedStudentAre you currently receiving:EIYesNoHave you received EI in the past 5 years?YesNoMaternity EIYesNoHave you received Maternity EI in the past 5 years?YesNoWorkSafeBC PaymentsYesNoDisability PaymentsYesNoIncome Assistance PaymentsYesNoNextCLIENT DECLARATIONCONTENT PENDINGSignature Clear Signature Submit Please contact us if you have any questions or need any assistance completing your registration. Phone (250) 785-0887 Email